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13 November 2014 - Medical Daily - Omega-3s Could Curb ADD In Kids, And Most Americans Still Don't Consume Enough

Food can be medicine if it’s used right and fed early into young, growing bodies.

13 November 2014 - Science Daily - Liver, brain communicate in order to regulate appetite

A new study demonstrates that high hepatic glucose stores in mice prevents weigh gain. The researchers observed that in spite of having free access to an appetizing diet, the animals’ appetite was reduced. This is the first time that a link has been observed between the liver and appetite.

Dementia study questions advice on taking supplements

Taking vitamin B12 and folic acid supplements does not seem to cut the risk of developing dementia in healthy people, say Dutch researchers.

12 November 2014 - Medical News Today -Toxic mix of fast-food outlets in inner city neighbourhoods fuelling diabetes and obesity epidemic

How close you are to fast-food outlets may be linked to your risk of Type-2 diabetes and obesity a new study led by the University of Leicester has discovered.

12 November 2014 - Worldfishing & Aquaculture - Omega-3 may alleviate stress in farmed fish

Adding unsaturated fatty acids to feed may make farmed pike perch hardier and better able to cope with stress, according to new DTU research.

12 November 2014 - Nutritional Outlook - EU Is One Step Closer to DHA, Brain Development Article 14 Claim

The EU is getting closer to an Article 14 health claim linking DHA omega-3 consumption and normal brain development—especially in children.

12 November 2014 - Nature - Gut-brain link grabs neuroscientists

Idea that intestinal bacteria affect mental health gains ground.

11 November 2014 - Science Daily - The Trojan horse burger: Do companies that 'do good' sell unhealthy food?

When consumers see a company performing good deeds, they often assume that the company's products are healthy. According to a new study this may be far from true, and the company’s socially responsible behavior may be creating a “health halo” over unhealthy foods.

10 November 2014 - MedicalXpress - Anxiety can damage brain: Accelerate conversion to Alzheimer's for those with mild cognitive impairment

People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at increased risk of converting to Alzheimer's disease within a few years, but a new study warns the risk increases significantly if they suffer from anxiety.

10 November 2014 - New York Times - F.D.A. Must Define, and Enforce, the Term “Natural”

Whenever food comes with a health claim on its label, exercise caution. The rules of commercial speech allow companies to say things that are meaningless and misleading.

“Darwin, Diet, Disease, and Dollars,” - how the costs of excess sugar have overwhelmed the US healthcare system

On Thursday, the U hosted Robert Lustig, a professor from University of California, San Francisco, to speak about how the American diet is negatively affecting our health, our wallets and our brain chemistry.

10 November 2014 - PR Newswire - Researchers Conclude Omega 3 Fish Oil May Reduce Risk of Gastrointestinal Disease

According to the very latest research, omega 3 fatty acids and DHA may assist with the microorganisms that protect against gastrointestinal disease.

10 November 2014 - Nutraingredients - Optimal selenium status linked to better mood for young adults: Study

Maintaining optimal levels of selenium may improve mood and be associated with lower risk of depressive symptoms for young adults, says a new study from New Zealand.

10 November 2014 - Game changer? Folic acid wins EFSA health claim for neural tube defect risk reduction

A newly approved EU health claim to say folic acid supplements reduce the risk of infant neural tube defects will bring home the nutrient’s importance to women, say a team of campaigners and trade groups behind the claim.

08 November 2014 - The Lancet - Young adults' health warrants greater attention and action

Life for young adults is already vastly different today to how it was even a generation ago in a rapidly changing global world.

07 November 2014 - Medical News Today - Weight 'influenced by gut bacteria'

Past research has suggested that weight may be influenced by genes. A new study builds on this concept, revealing that our genetic makeup shapes what type of bacteria live in the gut, which may affect how heavy we are.

07 November 2014 - The Conversation - How the bacteria in our gut affect our cravings for food

We’ve long known that that the gut is responsible for digesting food and expelling the waste. More recently, we realised the gut has many more important functions and acts a type of mini-brain, affecting our mood and appetite. Now, new research suggests it might also play a role in our cravings for certain types of food.

DHA Supplements May Reduce Stress in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women living in high-stress situations may benefit from supplements of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), according to a randomized controlled trial published online November 5 and in the December issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology. The reduction in cortisol output may improve the uterine environment for the developing fetus.

Eat yourself happy

WHAT makes you happy? Scientists say it could be as simple as your daily food and drink. They have shown that if you eat the right things you can prime your brain to remain positive and even ward off depression.

06 November 2014 - ScienceDaily - Omega-3 reduces smoking, study suggests

Taking omega-3 supplements reduces craving for nicotine and even reduces the number of cigarettes that people smoke a day, a new study suggests.