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Dietary fibre helps ‘good’ bacteria win battle of the microbiome

Feeding beneficial gut bacteria with fibre appears to help a signalling mechanism which limits the growth of harmful pathogens, according to a new study published in Science.

15 August 2017 - Nutraingredients - Is there a role for vitamin B3 in preventing birth defects?

Adequate maternal niacin intake may cut the number of babies born with congenital abnormalities, suggests a new study in The New England Journal of Medicine.

14 August 2017 - Futurity - Sweet, low-calorie foods confuse our metabolism

A food’s sweet taste, not just its calorie count, determines both how the metabolism reacts and the brain’s understanding of its nutritional content, new research suggests.

9 August 2017 - Nutraingredients - Inter-generational malnutrition: Grandparents diet and health also impact baby

Malnourishment during pregnancy could have an effect on the weight of future generations, says a new study. Meaning the health of our grandmothers could affect our own growth.

9 August 2017 - Science Daily - You are what your grandmother ate: Intergenerational impacts of prenatal nourishment

A new study shows that parents' own prenatal environment has a detectable impact on their children's weight. Mothers who were malnourished in the womb tend to produce smaller babies, while a father's malnourishment in utero results in his offspring being smaller by the time they are 2 years old.

All the Stars of Food and Mood

We are what we eat, and the brain is the most energy hungry organ in the body, surpassing even the heart. Surely our diets affect our thinking and our moods. But how do we prove it, and then what do we do about it?

3 August 2017 - Nutraingredients - The case of the vanishing microbiota: Gut bugs powerless to halt disease rampage

Changes to the gut’s microbial diversity, as a result of a modern lifestyle, may be responsible for a rise in chronic diseases, such as asthma, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease, an expert suggests.

Boosting Brain Ketone Metabolism: A New Approach to Alzheimer's

Strategies that increase the brain's uptake of ketones as an approach to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment are gaining momentum, according to experts in the field.

1 August 2017 - Science Daily - For white middle class, moderate drinking is linked to cognitive health in old age

Older adults who consume alcohol moderately on a regular basis are more likely to live to the age of 85 without dementia or other cognitive impairments than non-drinkers, according to a new study.

Meta-analysis supports potential of omega-3s for ADHD

Omega-3 supplements can reduce ADHD symptoms - Meta-analysis of clinical trials

Does sugar make you sad? New science suggests so

New study shows a link between diets high in sugar and common mental disorders.

26 July 2017 - MedicalXpress - Understanding the constant dialogue that goes on between our gut and our brain

In his book "The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health" (Harper Collins, 2016), Dr. Emeran Mayer retells Petrov's story, and he notes how many historic and present-day decision-makers have cited unspecified feelings in their gut as tipping the balance on a difficult call.