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Vitamins, minerals improve symptoms for children with ADHD

by Sara Hottman, The Ohio State University

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Children with ADHD and emotional dysregulation who were given a micronutrient-dense formula made of all known vitamins and essential minerals were three times more likely to have better concentration and improved moods, according to a new study


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And the recent book 'The Better Brain' – by leading researchers in this field – which provides an accessible and practical but evidence-based guide to nutritional and dietary treatments for ADHD, Anxiety, Stress and related conditions.


For further information on how nutrition can affect symptoms of ADHD and related conditions - including anxiety, depression and sleep problems, as well as dyslexia, dyspraxia and ASD, don't miss

Nutrition for ADHD and Neurodiverse Minds:  Feeding Better Mood, Behaviour, Learning and Sleep in ADHD and related conditions

Join leading experts Dr Rachel Gow and Dr Alex Richardson,

Live FAB Research Webinar and Q&A  - on Thursday 9th June at 18.00-19.30 BST:*

*This event will be also recorded, and a link provided to all who book tickets. 
Access is FREE to FAB Associates - but places for the live event must still be booked

See also:

04/05/2022 - Medical Xpress

Children with ADHD and emotional dysregulation who were given a micronutrient-dense formula made of all known vitamins and essential minerals were three times more likely to have better concentration and improved moods, research from Oregon Health & Science University found.

The findings, featured on the May cover of the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, may provide another treatment option for clinicians and families.
In the study, 54% of the children who were given supplemental vitamins and minerals showed improvement in their symptoms, versus 18% in the placebo group.
"These findings, replicating results of a previous randomized trial of micronutrients in children with ADHD conducted in New Zealand, confirm that supplementation with a broad range of nutrients may benefit some children," said lead author Jeanette Johnstone, Ph.D., assistant professor of child and adolescent psychiatry in the OHSU School of Medicine. "ADHD is a common diagnosis, affecting upward of 7% of children, and common pharmacologic treatments can cause adverse side effects. Supplementing micronutrients may be an exciting integrative treatment for many families."
The study included 135 children with ADHD and emotional dysregulation at three sites: Portland; Columbus, Ohio; and Alberta, Canada. The children, ages 6 to 12, were not taking any medications. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: One was provided micronutrient capsules that contained all known vitamins and essential minerals at doses between the recommended daily allowance and upper tolerable limit; and, the other received placebo capsules that did not contain the extra micronutrients. The study was blinded, so neither children, their parents nor the researchers knew which capsules they were given.
After eight weeks, more than half of the micronutrient group showed improvement in their concentration and mood. Children taking the micronutrients also grew 6 millimeters more than those taking a placebo.
Additionally, the micronutrient group did not experience more adverse side effects than the placebo group; there were no significant differences between the two groups in their blood and urine safety labs.
"The growth finding, also a replication from the previous child micronutrient study, is particularly encouraging," Johnstone said. "Evidence of ADHD medication causing height suppression has been a concern. These findings suggest that vitamin and mineral supplementation at sufficient doses may avoid the growth suppression associated with other treatment options."
Johnstone said future studies will seek to understand how and why micronutrients improve attention and mood, examining changes in gut microbiome and other indicators.