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We are what we eat, and the brain is the most energy hungry organ in the body, surpassing even the heart. Surely our diets affect our thinking and our moods. But how do we prove it, and then what do we do about it?

3 August 2017 - Nutraingredients - The case of the vanishing microbiota: Gut bugs powerless to halt disease rampage

Changes to the gut’s microbial diversity, as a result of a modern lifestyle, may be responsible for a rise in chronic diseases, such as asthma, obesity and inflammatory bowel disease, an expert suggests.

Boosting Brain Ketone Metabolism: A New Approach to Alzheimer's

Strategies that increase the brain's uptake of ketones as an approach to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment are gaining momentum, according to experts in the field.

1 August 2017 - Science Daily - For white middle class, moderate drinking is linked to cognitive health in old age

Older adults who consume alcohol moderately on a regular basis are more likely to live to the age of 85 without dementia or other cognitive impairments than non-drinkers, according to a new study.

Meta-analysis supports potential of omega-3s for ADHD

Omega-3 supplements can reduce ADHD symptoms - Meta-analysis of clinical trials

Does sugar make you sad? New science suggests so

New study shows a link between diets high in sugar and common mental disorders.

26 July 2017 - MedicalXpress - Understanding the constant dialogue that goes on between our gut and our brain

In his book "The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health" (Harper Collins, 2016), Dr. Emeran Mayer retells Petrov's story, and he notes how many historic and present-day decision-makers have cited unspecified feelings in their gut as tipping the balance on a difficult call.

26 July 2017 - Nutraingredients - Lutein levels linked to a more agile and ‘youthful’ brain: Study

A high intake of lutein appears to slow down cognitive decline, a US study suggests, as findings appear to support previous outcomes linking this nutrient to improved mental health.

Food-based iodine during pregnancy important for child brain development

Low levels of maternal iodine may be linked to reduced brain development at age three, a new study has suggested.

25 July 2017 - Science Daily - Mediterranean-style diets linked to better brain function in older adults

Eating foods included in two healthy diets -- the Mediterranean or the MIND diet -- is linked to a lower risk for memory difficulties in older adults, according to a new study.

Maternal vitamin D level linked to adverse events in childhood development

Children born to mothers with inadequate vitamin D-serum 25(OH)D levels were more likely to have suboptimal motor and social skills when compared with children born to mothers with adequate levels, according to research recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

13 July 2017 - Science Daily - Maternal obesity during pregnancy may be linked to behavioral problems in boys

Maternal obesity and child neurodevelopmental problems have both increased in the U.S. and scientists have suggested a possible link.