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Children know family budgets dictate how healthy their food is

From celebrity chef Jamie Oliver’s Money Saving Meals to blogging mum Jack Monroe’s 100 Delicious Budget Recipes to the NHS Eat4Cheap campaign, eating well on a budget is now a national pastime.

26 October 2014 - Medical News Today - Walnut-enriched diet slows Alzheimer's progression in mice

Past studies have linked walnuts to reduced risk of breast cancer and improved sperm quality. Now, a new study claims that a diet enriched with the nuts could help prevent or slow Alzheimer's disease.

14 October 2014 - Science Daily - New approaches needed for people with serious mental illnesses in criminal justice system

Responding to the large number of people with serious mental illnesses in the criminal justice system will require more than mental health services, according to a new report.

14 October 2014 - Nutraingredients - Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker

Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

14 October 2014 - Cognitive Neuroscience Society - Exercise Adapts the Aging Brain for Cognitive Health

Scientists are still trying to figure out exactly why exercise promotes cognitive health, especially in older adults.

Health Check: cooking oils to eat and avoid

Health conscious consumers are increasingly ditching old favourites vegetable and canola oil for trendy alternatives like coconut and peanut oil. But are they any healthier? And how do they compare with other options such as heated olive oil and butter?

Beyond Obesity: Western Diet Shown to Make People Unintelligent

Eating junk food doesn’t just make you fat — it also makes you stupid.

10 October 2014 - Autism Speaks - Broccoli-Sprout Extract Shows Promise for Easing Autism Symptoms

In a small placebo-controlled trial, sulforaphane supplements eased autism symptoms in nearly half of those treated

08 October 2014 - The Lancet - Mental Health Interventions in Schools

The number of school-aged children and young people experiencing mental health problems has been estimated at between 8 to 18%, with many more experiencing varying degrees of psychological distress.

08 October 2014 - MNT - Eating disorders could start as early as elementary school

Though eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are typically associated with teenagers and young adults, researchers caution parents that children between 8 and 12 years old who are difficult eaters could have lurking psychological issues. The team adds that restrictive eating behaviors can surface before puberty.

07 October 2014 - Science Daily - Sugar linked to memory problems in adolescent rats

Sugar consumption affected memory and was linked to brain inflammation in juvenile rats, researchers report.

06 October 2014 - The Conversation - Who you calling an elephant? Animals have weight issues too

The world obesity crisis is not just affecting humans but also the animals that live with us.

07 October 2014 - Science Daily - Anorexia/bulimia: Bacterial protein implicated

Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and binge eating disorder affect approximately 5-10 percent of the general population. Researchers have demonstrated the involvement of a protein produced by some intestinal bacteria that may be the source of these disorders.

01 October 2014 - 3BL Media - Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Prevent Some Forms of Depression

Researchers find that treatment with EPA, but not DHA or placebo, decreased the incidence of interferon-alpha-induced depression in patients being treated for hepatitis C.

02 October 2014 - WJON - Dr. Paul Clayton- The Omega 3/6 Balance

Kelly Cordes in conversation with Dr Paul Clayton discussing the importance of the Omega 3/6 balance

Research-backed Nutrients for Kids?

When it comes to selecting health products for children, there are many to choose from. Some are based on the most familiar of ingredients, and others may seem quite foreign. All of these ingredients can benefit from scientific studies, though. For added assurance for manufacturers and their customers, here’s a handful of nutrients backed by brand-new research.

26 September 2014 - HuffPost - Is the NHS Encouraging Obesity Through Unhealthy Food Choices? And What Can We Do??

Dr Sally Norton - criticising the NHS for encouraging obesity by allowing coffee shops and vending machines that offer predominantly unhealthy food choices to be housed within in our hospitals

23 September 2014 - Science Daily - Fruit and vegetable consumption could be as good for your mental as your physical health

New research focused on mental wellbeing found that high and low mental wellbeing were consistently associated with an individual's fruit and vegetable consumption.

Mothers of children with autism less likely to have taken iron supplements

Mothers of children with autism are significantly less likely to report taking iron supplements before and during their pregnancies than the mothers of children who are developing normally, a study by researchers with the UC Davis MIND Institute has found.