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Higher dose of omega-3 fatty acid reduced Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in overweight adults at 12 weeks

Doses of EPA higher than the usually recommended 1-2 grams per day may be more effective for depression in some patients with obesity and chronic inflammation.

Is Some Depression Actually Insulin Resistance?

This post summarizes some of the latest science about insulin resistance and how it is a largely unrecognized cause of depression symptoms.

Origins of Health - How Important Is Iron for the Developing Brain?

Iron deficiency in infancy and early childhood is associated with long-term cognitive, social, and emotional problems

8 Foods That Contribute to Anxiety and Depression

Individuals reporting higher intakes of ultra-processed foods (UPF) were significantly more likely to report mild depression, more mentally unhealthy and more anxious days, according to this new study.

Could consuming processed foods contribute to poor mental health?

Individuals who consume higher amounts of ultra-processed food have more adverse mental health symptoms, according to new research.

Diet can influence mood, behavior and more – a neuroscientist explains

"There is an intimate connection between food and the brain, one that researchers like me are working to unravel. As a scientist who studies the neuroscience of nutrition at the University of Michigan, I am primarily interested in how components of food and their breakdown products can alter the genetic instructions that control our physiology."

Fish oil may blunt inflammatory response to high fat/high sugar diet

Omega-3s can blunt the worst of the chronic inflammation caused by diets high in sugar and fat, a new study in mice has suggested.

Two surprising reasons behind the obesity epidemic: Too much salt, not enough water

The role of dehydration as a contributor to obesity should not be underestimated. It commonly occurs after eating salty foods. Both dehydration and salt consumption lead to the production of fructose and fat.

Sweetness that comes at a price: Sugar substitutes may affect the human body in unanticipated ways

A controlled trial suggests that non-nutritive sweeteners affect the human gut microbes and may alter glucose metabolism; the effects vary greatly among individuals

Vitamin D supplements reduce depressive symptoms in adults - new meta-analysis

An extensive meta-analysis suggests that vitamin D supplementation may alleviate depressive symptoms in adults with depression. Conducted by an international team of researchers, the meta-analysis includes dozens of studies from around the world.

Ultra-processed foods make up almost two-thirds of Britain's school meals

Children in England consume very high levels of ultra-processed foods, and it is worrying that meals consumed at school contribute to this. Our findings call for urgent policy changes to improve the accessibility and quality of school meals.

High-dose Vitamin B6 supplements may improve anxiety and mood - clinical trial

Scientists at the University of Reading measured the impact of high doses of Vitamin B6 on young adults and found that they reported feeling less anxious and depressed after taking the supplements every day for a month.

Adult 'picky eaters' recall helpful parent feeding strategies

Creating a positive emotional context surrounding food and eating with others may help reduce psychosocial impairment and increase food variety in people with severe food avoidance.

How gut microbes can evolve and become dangerous

Gut bacteria can evolve over time, becoming more pathogenic by gaining the ability to migrate across the gut barrier and persist in organs outside of the intestine, thereby driving chronic inflammation and associated pathologies.

Researchers find strong evidence for prenatal vitamins, but find few products that meet recommendations

Prenatal supplements vary widely in content, often contained only a subset of essential vitamins, and the levels were often below recommendations, according to new research.

Cutting Dietary Simple Sugars May Relieve GERD Symptoms

People who consumed lower quantities of simple sugars experienced significant improvement in total acid exposure time, number of reflux episodes, and subjective reports of heartburn and reflux symptoms compared with those consuming higher amounts of simple sugars, according to a new study

Low iron is a health risk made worse by COVID. How to get more without reaching for supplements

Iron deficiency has become the most prevalent micronutrient disorder worldwide, and COVID may be worsening the problem.

Stress affects fetus' ability to absorb iron, study finds

If a woman experiences chronic stress late in her pregnancy, it can affect her fetus' ability to absorb iron by as much as 15%, according to a study.

Hunger really can make us feel 'hangry', study finds

These results provide evidence that everyday levels of hunger are associated with negative emotionality and supports the notion of being "hangry".

Gut bacteria mine dietary fibre to release beneficial nutrients

This study suggests a framework for identifying affordable and sustainable sources of fibre and their associated nutrients that take advantage of the by-products of food manufacturing that would otherwise be discarded as waste.