Food and Behaviour Research

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Follow-up study finds supplementing preterm infants with DHA has no effect on behavioural development

The study highlights the distinctness of behavioural and cognitive domains, suggesting that while DHA may affect cognition, it might not be able to influence behaviour.

You Are When You Eat

Intermittent fasting regulates biological time and improves disrupted sleep in an Alzheimer’s disease model.

Study finds vitamin B12 is a key player in cellular reprogramming and tissue regeneration

"Our research uncovers a critical role of vitamin B12 in cellular reprogramming and tissue repair. These findings hold promise for regenerative medicine, with the potential to benefit patients through an improved nutrition..."

Hunger hormones impact decision-making brain area to drive behaviour, study finds

"We found that a part of the brain that is crucial for decision-making is surprisingly sensitive to the levels of hunger hormones produced in our gut, which we believe is helping our brains to contextualise our eating choices."

Clinical trial data suggests prenatal vitamin D reduces a child's risk of asthma

"Based on our findings, we would recommend that all pregnant women consider a daily intake of at least 4400 IU vitamin D3 throughout their pregnancy, starting at the time of conception."

Young children drinking daily caffeinated soda found more likely to try alcohol within a year

These findings suggest that previous linkages between caffeine and substance use in adolescence also extend to younger initiation, and may stem from core neurocognitive features thought conducive to substance initiation.

Can Gut Microbes Cause Aggression?

Problems in the gut can affect our mood and behavior, including aggression.

Insulin resistance turns tidy brain cells into slobs — which could be a link between diet and neurodegenerative diseases

These findings show how eating processed food doesn’t just affect weight gain, it affects cognitive function, and a deep functioning of your body.

Balancing omega-3 and omega-6 impacts cognitive function

Our findings suggest a role for PUFA imbalance in attentional functioning and executive performance.

Omega-3 may be an “effective add-on therapeutic” for depression

A new review investigating the effect of long-chain omega-3 supplementation on depressive symptoms concludes the majority of studies observe a significant effect, particularly in those with major depressive disorder.

Children with ADHD frequently use health care service before diagnosis, study finds

"The results are significant because we know that identifying ADHD earlier can lead to effective treatment, including talking treatments and medicines, which can prevent a range of serious harms to young people and future adults."

Time to inform the public about the adverse effects of ultra-processed foods, researchers say

The authors urge governments to take ambitious and decisive action, with immediate public health outreach to help citizens identify ultra-processed foods and limit their exposure. In the paper's final sentence, the authors state the urgency of action directly, "Everyone's health is at stake."

Stunting in infancy linked to differences in cognitive and brain function

Infants with so-called "stunted growth," often caused by poor nutrition or ill-health, had significantly poorer cognitive abilities at both 6-9 months, and 1 year of age than their typically-developing counterparts.

Study shows the microbiome of fruit and vegetables positively influences diversity in the gut

This study revealed evidence that fruit and vegetable-derived microbes could be found in the human gut and contribute to gut microbiome diversity.

Women with a heart healthy diet in midlife are less likely to report cognitive decline later: Study

Women with diets during middle age designed to lower blood pressure were about 17% less likely to report memory loss and other signs of cognitive decline decades later, a new study finds.

Put these foods on your grocery list for better vision

"Some nutrients keep the eye healthy overall, and some have been found to reduce the risk of eye diseases..."

Research identifies four eating behaviour patterns in children

"Parents can use this research to help them understand what type of eating pattern their child presents. Then based on the child's eating profile the parent can adapt their feeding strategies to the child..."

Gut microbes and Alzheimer's disease - potential causal link identified by new animal study

For the first time, researchers have found that Alzheimer's symptoms can be transferred to a healthy young organism via the gut microbiota, confirming its role in the disease

This Is Your Brain on Junk Food

We can’t change the genes we were born with, but we can change our microbial genes. That provides a powerful lever to lift our health and our mood.

International team of scientists says identifying some foods as addictive could shift attitudes, stimulate research

Ultra-processed food addiction is estimated to occur in 14% of adults and 12% of children and is associated with bio-psychological mechanisms of addiction and clinically significant problems.