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Moms' obesity in pregnancy is linked to lag in sons' development and IQ

A mother's obesity in pregnancy can affect her child's development years down the road, according to researchers who found lagging motor skills in preschoolers and lower IQ in middle childhood for boys whose mothers were severely overweight while pregnant.

Nearly All U.S. Kids Eating Added Sugars & Artificial Sweeteners Before Age 2

Nearly 85% of toddlers and infants in the United States eat foods containing added sugars and artificial sweeteners on any given day, researchers say.

Meta-analyses support omega-3s potential brain health benefits

Two new meta-analyses indicate that omega-3 supplements may help protect against mild cognitive decline and improve memory.

Psychology Today - Feel Better with Food

You are what you eat, and what you eat can affect how you feel

Should you avoid meat for good health? How to slice off the facts from the fiction

One group of scientists says that reducing red meat is a top priority for your health and the planet’s. Another says these foods pose no problems for health. So what is a would-be healthy eater to do?

Could eating white bread every day ruin your sleep?

Insomniacs are more likely to have diets abundant in refined carbs which disrupt hormones that control sleep.

Depression and suicide linked to air pollution in new global study

Cutting toxic air might prevent millions of people getting depression, research suggests

18 December 2019 - Futurity - More body fat may hamper thinking as you age

Having less muscle and more body fat may affect how flexible our thinking gets as we become older, according to a new study.

Doctors warn vegans to take risks of vitamin B12 deficiency seriously

Shortage of vitamin B12 - commonly sourced from milk products - can damage nerves and is best supplemented in vegan diets

The double burden of nutrition: When malnutrition and obesity overlap

The Lancet recently published a warning report calling attention to the “new nutrition reality” - malnutrition combined with obesity - facing low and middle-income countries that is driven by the modern food system.

18 December 2019 - MedicalXpress - Study: Obesity could affect brain development in children

New research based on a massive research study suggests that a change in brain structure may help explain relationship between obesity and decreased executive function in children.

Here's a bitter pill to swallow: Artificial sweeteners may be doing more harm than good

A $2.2 billion industry to help people lose weight through artificial sweeteners may be contributing to type 2 diabetes, according to researchers from the University of South Australia.

16 December 2019 - The Guardian - Malnutrition and obesity now a global problem, say experts

One in three low- and middle-income countries affected as junk food and sugary drinks reach every corner of globe.

Refined carbs may trigger insomnia, finds study

An estimated 30% of adults experience insomnia, and a new study suggests that diet may be partly to blame.

Could some people with schizophrenia in poorer nations simply have a vitamin deficiency?

New study identifies link between vitamin-B3 (niacin)-deficient mothers and schizophrenia, implicating a variant of the gene NAPRT1, which lowers the body's ability to use that vitamin.

Hydration may affect cognitive function in some older adults

Not getting enough water is enough to make you feel sluggish and give you a headache, but a new study suggests it may also relate to cognitive performance.

Taking fish oil tablets for four weeks improves 'night vision,' study says

Researchers conclude that omega-3 DHA does indeed improve 'dark adaptation capabilities' – the process the eyes go through when adjusting to new light levels.

11 December 2019 - MedicalXpress - Scientists discover key neural circuit regulating alcohol consumption

Researchers discover that specific neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) contribute to reward-like behaviors, alcohol consumption in particular.

Study finds association between poor diet, age-related macular degeneration

People who eat a diet high in processed meat, fried food, refined grains and high-fat dairy are three times more likely to develop late-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to this research.

How junk food shapes the developing teenage brain

The adolescent brain is vulnerable to diet-induced changes, but these changes may endure through life.