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Association between low plasma levels of cholesterol and relapse in cocaine addicts

Buydens-Branchey L, Branchey M. (2003) Psychosom Med.  65(1): 86-91. 

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OBJECTIVE: In light of recent studies suggesting the existence of associations between low concentrations of cholesterol and various psychiatric disorders, we decided to explore relationships between cholesterol levels and relapse rates in a group of cocaine addicts who had undergone inpatient detoxification.

METHODS: The total cholesterol levels of 38 non-opiate-dependent and non-alcohol-dependent cocaine addicts were determined while they were hospitalized. Drug use was subsequently assessed 3, 6, and 12 months after patients were discharged from the hospital.

RESULTS: Comparisons of the cholesterol levels (obtained during hospitalization) of relapsers and nonrelapsers by analyses of covariance with age and weight as covariates revealed significantly lower cholesterol values in patients who relapsed at 3 months (p =.046), 6 months (p =.030), and 12 months (p =.019) after discharge.

CONCLUSIONS: This study showed an association between a low total cholesterol level and relapse rates in detoxified cocaine addicts. Reasons for the predictive value of low cholesterol levels for relapse for up to 1 year after cholesterol measurements were made are unclear. These data are preliminary and in need of replication.