Food and Behaviour Research

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Depression and Mediterranean diet - News

'Profound' link between dietary choices and brain health, new research shows
How food preferences are linked to cognition and brain health – and why a balanced diet is superior
FAB WEBINAR - Feeding Humanity: The Key Role of Nutrition in the Mental Health Crisis
9 signs you have inflammation in your body. Could an anti-inflammatory diet help?
Gut microbes are the community within you that you can't live without – how eating well can cultivate your microbial and social self
That salad isn’t just good for your nutrition–it may help stave off depression
Critical Brain Nutrients: Evidence that Current Dietary Advice Harms Mental Health – and Potential Solutions
The Mediterranean diet: Good for your health and your wallet, says study
3 Outstanding Food Swaps to Improve Brain Health
Nutritional Treatments: The Next Frontier in Psychiatry
FAB Research Webinar - Nutrition for ADHD and Neurodiverse Minds
Study finds Mediterranean diet improves depression symptoms in young men
Diet, exercise can improve teens' mental health
Study links child behaviour problems to prenatal tobacco smoke and traffic density - and diet
Scientists Investigate the Role of Gut Microbiota in Risk for ‘Severe Mental Disorders’
Time for a Paradigm Shift on Food and Mood
Can a healthy diet reduce risk of Parkinson's?
"Not all plant-based patterns of eating are healthy,” warns CVD study author
Psychology Today - Feel Better with Food
1 November 2019 - Nutraingredients - Melancholic microbiome? EU-backed project publishes recommendations for diet and mood
Adherence to Mediterranean diet and reduced risk of late-life depression
18 March 2019 - The Guardian - Nutritional psychiatry: can you eat yourself happier?
7 February 2019 - The Conversation - Eating more fruit and vegetables linked to better mental well-being – new study
Want to improve your mood? It’s time to ditch the junk food
BBC - Mediterranean diet 'may help prevent depression'
Plant-rich (Mediterranean-type) diets may help prevent depression – new evidence
27 August 2018 - Science Daily - Diet has bigger impact on emotional well-being in women than in men
Nutritional upgrade: Changes to diet may address depression: Study
Why Most People Fail to 'Get the Fats Right' - and How You can do Better!
Health Check: seven nutrients important for mental health - and where to find them
Why FISH is nature's antidepressant: Mediterranean diet 'reduces the risk of stress, anxiety and mental illness'
03 March 2015 - Shape - USDA Considers Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Depression
The Conversation - You are what you eat: how diet affects mental well-being
22 April 2014 - UniSA - Could the right diet and Omega 3 make you happy?
5 Sept 2011 - NatureNews - Mental disorders affect more than a third of Europeans